Methodological Foundations of Upbringing of Moral Self-identity of High School Students by Means of Fine Arts

  • S. Konovets Інститут проблем виховання НАПН України, м. Київ
Keywords: methodological approaches, education, moral self-identity, high school, fine art


In the article the methodological approaches in upbringing of moral self-identity of pupils by means of art are justified. The category of moral self-identity (freedom, dignity, responsibility, conscience, self), which reflects the focus of moral conscience of man within himself and reveal the level of mastery of the moral values of human life and the creation of its own identity according to measurements humanity are consider. The application in the teaching practice of this method, when a succession of priority educational, developmental and educational functions of fine art toward dominance of the first two enables improvement of quality artwork impact on the education of the moral self-identity of high school students is represented.


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How to Cite
Konovets, S. (2014). Methodological Foundations of Upbringing of Moral Self-identity of High School Students by Means of Fine Arts. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (9), 92-113. Retrieved from