The technological fundamentals for the assessment of the innovative development of a comprehensive educational institution

  • К. Gorash Інститут педагогіки НАПН України, м. Київ
Keywords: innovative development of a comprehensive school, technological approach in the educational system, educational technology, technology of a complex assessment of the innovative development of a comprehensive educational institution


In the article, the results of the theoretical research on the technological fundamentals of the innovative development of a comprehensive educational institution were demonstrated. In particularly, the implementation of the technological approach in the education system was specified; the key research terms as well as the peculiarities of the humanitarian and productive technologies were analyzed; the structure of the technology of the complex assessment of the innovative development of a comprehensive educational institution was defined.


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How to Cite
GorashК. (2014). The technological fundamentals for the assessment of the innovative development of a comprehensive educational institution. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (9), 184-199. Retrieved from