What is applied art history or the practical use of the art history knowledge?

  • О. Boyko Институт художественного моделирования и дизайна имени Сальвадора Дали, г. Киев
Keywords: art, applied art history, gallery, art historian, art culture, exhibitions, painting, practice


The article analyzes the relationship between theory and history of art with its practical application taking as an example the gallery «Globus» and the need of knowledge in professional work of art gallery owner. Also the attention is paid on the main trends and genesis and development of the science of art, which includes theory and art history, art criticism, art and crafts history. The article describes a new phenomenon of the applied art history. There is also explained the need for the introduction of this additional term at the science of arts, described the functions and tasks of this phenomenon, defined its role and place in the modern world, as well as the perspectives of development and improvement. There are listed various types of applied art history and showed some examples of their practical application. The article contains quick review of the profession of the practicing art historian.


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How to Cite
BoykoО. (2014). What is applied art history or the practical use of the art history knowledge?. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (9), 214-227. Retrieved from https://zbirnik.mixmd.edu.ua/index.php/artedu/article/view/154