Тhe pedagogical conditions of future teachers preparing to management of students training activity

  • V. Vykhor Департамент вищої освіти Міністерства освіти і науки України, м. Київ
Keywords: teacher preparing, pedagogical conditions, training activity management


This article describes the pedagogical conditions of future teachers preparing to management of secondary schools students training activity on the example of technology teachers. The author definition of pedagogical conditions of students preparing to management of training activity and their basic components are analyzed. The paper theoretically proves that these pedagogical conditions have a significant impact on the future teachers preparing to management of students training activity in relationship and interaction.


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How to Cite
Vykhor, V. (2014). Тhe pedagogical conditions of future teachers preparing to management of students training activity. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (9), 267-280. Retrieved from https://zbirnik.mixmd.edu.ua/index.php/artedu/article/view/158