• Natalia Filipchuk Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: art education, art pedagogy, museum pedagogy, museum studies


The article substantiates the features of the content and methods of work of the teacher in the context of museum pedagogy. In the conditions of dynamic social progress, the direction of museum pedagogy becomes more and more relevant and crystallizes into an independent type of art pedagogy, which is realized in close connection with the relevant institutions of culture and art. Now the basic principles, methodological approaches, separate technologies and methods of this direction of pedagogical science are substantiated. The experience of organizing and conducting museum classes for students of general secondary and higher education is revealed. Among the main forms of organization of work with pupils and students in museums, the most common are educational and thematic excursions (survey, differentiated), aimed at studying a certain section of the program or specific subject material, in accordance with the curriculum and competency requirements. Thus, the nature of the influence and interaction of museum pedagogy in school and university museums is determined by many factors. But two defining aspects remain obvious from the point of view of cultural and educational action. First of all, museum funds, expositions, museum environment must be formed on the basis of socially significant tasks, national interests, universal values, essentially influencing the cognitive, educational process. Secondly, an extremely important component in this process is the personality of the museologist, museum teacher.


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How to Cite
Filipchuk, N. (2020). MUSEUM PEDAGOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF ART EDUCATION. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (16), 21-33.