The article deals with one of the most important aspects of future teachers of art disciplines preparation for future professional activity. We consider professional development as a certain stage of development of consciousness of future teachers between being a student and how he thinks of himself already in the status of a teacher. The authors claim that a person becomes a professional when he not only imagines, but already identifies himself as a specialist. A student can imagine himself as a teacher on the basis of mental action, which creates an imaginary image of his "I" and which never really happened. In contrast, thinking of oneself as a specialist means knowing oneself (distinguishing oneself, identifying oneself) as a professional who actually has (and proved this reality in his own experience) a sufficient level of development of professional qualities.
Attention is drawn to the fact that the theory of professional development of future teachers of art disciplines should mark the unity of professional training of teachers and special training of artists - musicians, artists, choreographers at the level of technological patterns, principles and methods of professional development.
It is emphasized that the focus of artistic and pedagogical thinking on the mechanisms of aesthetic development of professional consciousness is crucial. That is, the area that brings the subject teacher (translator of knowledge, skills and abilities) beyond the narrow framework of knowledge of his subject to the level of the teacher, ie the person who educates, and therefore forms other personalities and opens opportunities for further development and self-improvement.
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