The author explores the peculiarities of the use of works of related arts in the training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature. She proves the relevance of her research by the requirements of state documents that determine the trends of reforming the education sector, and insufficient research of this problem in pedagogical science.
Lilik O.O. offers a model of using works of related arts in the professional training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature; substantiates its components; identifies practical ways to use works of related arts in the training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, in particular in the context of literary studies (on the example of comparing a literary work and its film adaptation) and methodical (on the example of preparing and modeling a fragment of a lesson using works of related arts) disciplines. She argues that the model of using works of related arts in the training of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature should contain a number of components (theoretical and conceptual, structural and semantic, organizational and didactic and technological and methodological.
The author concludes that the implementation of artistic polylogue (literature, music, cinema, theater, painting, graphics, sculpture) in the lessons of Ukrainian literature will lead to high results, provided that the teacher-vocabulary has the appropriate level of theoretical and practical literary, art and pedagogical training, will be able to effectively combine different arts. Lilik O.O. proves that the peculiarities of the use of methods, tools and techniques of artistic comparative studies in the professional education of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature are the systematic mastery of a set of literary, art and pedagogical knowledge, between which it is necessary to establish relationships; formation of the desire of students of philology for professional growth, independent acquaintance with the Ukrainian and foreign artistic heritage, the desire to use it in the process of analysis of works of art in literature lessons.
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