• Viktoriia Boyta Private Institution of Pre-higher Education "Salvador dali Art College", Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: intermediality, integrated interaction of the arts, artistic and aesthetic profile, intermedia connections


The article reflects the results of the study of intermediality as the basis for the effective study of literature, which is advisable to introduce during classes in arts and aesthetics colleges. The author determines the content and meaning of the concept of «intermediality»; defines the peculiarities of teaching literature in high schools of art and aesthetic profile according to the cognitive features of students; substantiates the need to introduce intermediality in academic institutions of art and aesthetic profile, because the most significant means of formation of creative personality of students are different types of art, which predetermines the need to use the interaction of arts in the educational process; Specificity of introducing intermediality as the basis for the effective study of literature, because literature from this point of view is a universal form of art that combines signs of other arts, namely: expressiveness of music, plasticity of sculpture, visuality of painting; varieties of interrelations between literature and other types of arts are investigated; samples of intermediality in literature, samples of student intermedia created in literature classes are given; prospects of using intermediality as the basis for effective literature study in colleges of art and aesthetic profile are determined.


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How to Cite
Boyta, V. (2020). ELEMENTS OF INTERMEDIATE ANALYSIS IN LITERATURE LESSONS AT COLLEGES OF ART AND AESTHETIC PROFILE. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (16), 129-140. https://doi.org/10.37041/2410-4434-2020-16-10