Obtaining valid and reliable information on predicting the success of the formation of professionally important personal qualities is facilitated by the usage of wide range diagnostic methods for assessing the professional aptitude of future specialists, capabilities for their professional development and achieving success in professional activity. The development of individual creative abilities of future designers is the key to their successful professional implementation and building a professional career. Professional aptitude is determined by a set of mental and psychophysiological characteristics of the individual, which are necessary and sufficient to achieve socially acceptable efficiency in professional activity. The determination of professional aptitude consists in evaluating the capabilities of future designers to master the content of design activities and draws up a specialized diagnostic procedure. In the process of diagnostics, the interrelationships of motivational, cognitive, operational and affective components of future designers, their readiness of individual typological properties for professional activity are studied. Based on the results of diagnostics, characterological features are analyzed and professional orientation is investigated. Determining the characteristics of the future specialist is an important condition for improving professional knowledge and skills, the key to their professional skills, achieving productivity, the formation of individuality through the results of work. Diagnosing the professional suitability of future designers is a multidimensional, multifaceted, multilevel system that reflects the content of the development of personality, ensures the effectiveness of identifying the most suitable individual qualities of future professionals to design.
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