• Zinaida Shumeyko Академія державної пенітенціарної служби
Keywords: an aesthetic education, the paremias, an assembly, the principles, the proverbs, Matviy Nomys


The author of this article analyzes the pedagogical heritage of Ukrainian folklorist, ethnographer, linguist, teacher, social activist Matviy Nomys. She determines, that the basic directions of Matviy Nomys’ creativity in the terms of Ukrainian national and cultural renaissance is folklore and ethnographic.
Shumeyko Z. analyzes the proverbs from the collection «Ukrainian proverbs, sayings, etc.» by Matviy Nomys, characterizes the features of aesthetic education based on samples of Ukrainian folklore.
His collection includes about 15,000 proverbs and 505 riddles. Proverb and sayings are divided into twenty sections: beliefs; nature, seasons; historical past; the strength and will of man; social relationships, fate, misfortune; moral defects; human nature; stinginess and generosity; mind, foolishness; however, lies; «a lot» - «a little»; health, disease, and death; love, marriage; neighbors, godfathers; «my» – «alien»; economic activity; laziness; appearance; wishes, singing, dancing.
The analysis of each section of the collection makes it possible to formulate the appropriate conclusions about a particular phenomenon, to develop the concept of people's morality, describe the spiritual culture of the Ukrainian people.
Shumeyko Z. says that proverbs and sayings are generalized memory of Ukrainian people. The proverbs are the findings of the life experiences that allow you to formulate views on ethics, morality, and religion, historical and political events.
Matviy Nomys believed that the basic means of education is the native language, folklore, a national mythology and symbolism, folk art, traditions, customs, rituals, games, all genres of folklore, work, nature, life, public opinion, social experience, books, art. The aesthetic education is one of the leading areas of public education. The aesthetic education involved the formation of aesthetic tastes and feelings by developing children’s imagination and creativity, adding to people's ritual art, education of careful attitude to nature.
The author concludes that Matviy Nomys in his collection formulated his conception of public education on the basis of ethnic pedagogy: compliance with nature, compliance with culture, nationality education, education in labor, unity of training and education, communication to the life of native people, humanity, activity and initiative of education, focus on universal moral values.
In this article the peculiarities of Matviy Nomys’ pedagogical heritage updating in modern conditions are characterized.


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How to Cite
Shumeyko, Z. (2016). THE PECULARITIES OF AESTHETIC EDUCATION OF UKRAINIAN PEOPLE IN MATVIY NOMYS’ PEDAGOGICAL HERITAGE. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (11), 106-120. Retrieved from