Tendencies of development of designer career are investigational in the countries of Europe (on the example of Germany, Great Britany and France).

  • S. Alekseevа Інститут професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України, м. Київ
Keywords: professional career, personality quarry prospect, quarry advising, quarry orientation, career advancement


In the article the problems of development of designer career are investigational in the countries of Europe. Terms are educed for the successful forming of individual career in designer activity, that it is stopped up by the system of formation of design and formed taking into account the necessities of market. It is set that a career in a design depends on the independently select program of quarry development of future specialists, that will be realized in the conditions of the active co-operating with a professional environment.


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How to Cite
AlekseevаS. (2015). Tendencies of development of designer career are investigational in the countries of Europe (on the example of Germany, Great Britany and France). Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (10), 44-57. Retrieved from https://zbirnik.mixmd.edu.ua/index.php/artedu/article/view/114