Philosophical concept of love in the novel Sofia Andrukhovych «Felix. Austria»: the materials to study in Universities.
The author of this article analyzes the history of writing, sources, genre and stylistic features of the novel «Feliks Austria» by Sofia Andrukhovych. In the process of identifying issues work the author explores the different types of love relationships depicted the author, describes female characters and various social types in the historical, cultural, everyday contexts. Based on the literary material she proposes tasks to analyze the text by students-philologists in high school.
Andrukhovych S. Feliks Avstriya. – L'viv : Vydavnytstvo Staroho Leva, 2014. – 53 c.
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Danylenko V. Lisorub u pusteli. Pys'mennyk ta literaturnyy protses / Volodymyr Danylenko. – K. : «Akademvydav», 2008. – 352 s.
Puziy M. «Feliks Avstriya: best·seler po-halyts'ky» / Maryna Puziy – Elektronnyy resurs – Rezhym dostupu :
«Feliks Avstriya» Sofiyi Andrukhovych : skladni formy lyubovi i krytychna versiya «halyts'koho mifu» – Elektronnyy resurs – Rezhym dostupu :
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