The article discloses the meaning of the term "project culture" and represents results of the comparative analysis of diploma projects of the leading artistic institutions of higher education of Ukraine and the neigbouring countries are presented for revealing the degree of development of the project culture of future graphic designers in professional training. The author states that the visual solution of a certain topic of a diploma project involves the synthesis of a design object in the optimum alternative with detailed development of a certain graphic and layout part taking into account the modern level of development of graphic design, the latest computer technologies, the achievements of science, economic, environmental, functional requirements, as well as labor protection requirements. But, as a comparative analysis of the diploma projects of the leading art institutions of higher education, mainly Ukraine and Poland, showed, the requirements of a utilitarian or aesthetic purpose, which affects the level of development of the project culture in the educational process, can often be overlooked by the graduate. As a result of comparative analysis of diploma projects in graphic design of the leading art institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus, Poland and Ukraine, it can be stated that the development of the project culture of the future designer should cover both categories - utilitarian and aesthetic, since the dynamics of socio-cultural processes in their social and cultural demand objects of design. Today these categories of project culture require updating in accordance with modern requirements and introduction into educational-methodical complexes in professional disciplines of designing. A promising way of enhancing the development of future designers' professional training is to monitor the levels of development of the project culture of the subjects of the educational process and to evaluate the quality of designing educational practical tasks and diploma projects in the area of "design".
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Belorusskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya iskusstv URL: (data zvernennya: 12.10.2018)
Nacіonal'na akademіya obrazotvorchogo mistectva і arhіtekturi / URL: (data zvernennya: 12.10.2018).
Akademia Sztuk Pieknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wroclawiu / URL: (data zvernennya: 12.10.2018).
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