The dynamic development of society as a whole, as well as the focus of modern Ukrainian educational institutions on integration into the European educational space, determine the need to reform vocational training in the educational system. Constantly updated production technologies and labour market requirements for graduates' professional competencies increase the importance of well-established interdisciplinary integration among professional disciplines, and require upgrading the content of curricula. For the effective solution of such tasks within a separate educational institution, purposeful and coordinated work of the teaching staff is necessary. The author emphasizes that an important step in the visualization of his own design decision is to develop the skills of constructive analysis of the shape of imaginary objects. These skills are formed through lessons in academic drawing, drawing basics, and geometry, through examples of analyzing the shape of real objects offered, and the traditional ways to convey visual information about these subjects. The variants of translating the acquired knowledge about the subject into a visual form may vary, depending on who the designer addresses - the viewer, the customer or the performer. The image addressed to the viewer must be visually expressive, concise, and composite; the customer - in addition to the above - should update the solution to the primary problem, as well as take into account the taste of the customer in the artistic style of the filing, designers of the idea will first be interested in the overall dimensions, materials and methods of connecting parts with each other. The conclusion draws attention to the need for coordination of training programs to optimize interdisciplinary communication, contributes not only to the development of artistic and constructive competence, but also to improving the quality of professional training of future designers as a whole.
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Competencies & learning objectives The Royal Academy of Art and the Royal Conservatoire together form the University of the Arts The Hague [Електронний ресурс] URL:
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