The article is devoted to problems of formation, methodological support and introduction of design education research component. The author considers the system of work with students on discipline "Methods of teaching in Institutions of higher education" in the context of the development of their research competencies and the master's program.
Noted that with the introduction of a magistracy the subject "Methods of teaching at Institutions of higher education" (IHE), aimed at training future teachers of special subjects, has acquired a certain status and has passed certain stages of practical development. But the question of its content and teaching methods has been considered insufficient.
The base for the formation of approaches to these issues was the work on the dynamics of public requirements to the teacher of the IHE, novatic in higher education in general, methodological analysis of textbooks and manuals on methodology applied at IHE, reflecting the curricula of the various universities and the author's vision of ways of forming teaching competences, contemporary views on the contents of teaching competencies itself, considering that forming those competences of the Master’s program students largely determines the objectives of the university’s methodology course.
Based on the analysis of these groups of sources it has been defined that some segments of the general problem hasn’t been previously well-researched, in particular the need for the teaching of certain special subjects or groups of related disciplines, classifications of appropriate methods and techniques; consideration of of training future teachers within the IHE methodology course, not only for teaching (including in-class hours), but also methodological work, to which in recent years emphasis of the university academic departments’ activities increasingly shifted; the problem of motivating the graduates for teaching activity.
One of the most challenging, according to the author, issues is the ratio of reproductive and productive components in the development of teaching methodology at the IHE, in particular the use of the research approaches and the system of research training in this discipline.
From this perspective, the author considers the peculiarities of studying individual topics and questions of the course, including those not disclosed in most textbooks on methods of teaching in the IHE. Thus, the laws, techniques and typical difficulties of processing scientific and educational sources for the Arts teacher in the process of preparation for lectures and locating in a computer environment of theoretical sections of the distance course, selection and creation of didactic materials for practical classes of various types, methodological support for independent work, preparation of monitoring materials and analysis of the results of their application, management of educational and scientific works, organization of interactive in-class and extracurricular activities.
The results of the study reveal prospects for consideration of research teaching in other disciplines of the master's program. They can be applied in the practice of universities, in particular at the Arts educational institutions, and appear as the basis of a selection of guidelines for teachers and students.
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