The article describes the current state of preparation of students of pedagogical higher education institutions by means of Ukrainian folk crafts, reveals the potential of traditional artistic weaving, which as a component of technological and artistic education, aimed at forming the professional competences of future teachers of labor training and technology.
On the basis of the analysis of scientific and methodical works and own pedagogical experience the socio-cultural, technological and pedagogical potential and features of traditional artistic weaving are revealed, the main directions of its use for raising the cultural and professional level of future teachers of labor training and technologies are determined.
The features of traditional artistic weaving that affect its pedagogical potential include the following: Ukrainian artistic weaving is a complex technological process, which includes obtaining weaving raw materials, its primary processing, spinning, bleaching, dyeing, felting, punching, etc. .; traditional weaving is at the intersection of art and technology education; weaving is associated with many folk customs, rituals and beliefs, since the fabric has accompanied the person throughout life; mastering the technology of creating folk fabrics allows us to gain a deeper understanding of modern technologies of textile production, since the principles of weaving are the same; traditional folk fabrics serve as models for design sketches and for the creation of woven products.
Future teachers of labor education study and master various technologies of processing of fabrics and textile materials, which influences their creative development, formation of professional competence, self-realization and socialization. Traditional Ukrainian art weaving is a versatile artistic phenomenon, a kind of historical, cultural and pedagogical phenomenon, the potential of which should be used in the educational practice of the formation of professional competences, which will give them an advantage in future professional and pedagogical activity.
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