The article presents a scientifically proved model of training the future designers for their professional career development. The methodological approaches, principles, stages, forms, methods, means of preparing future designers for the development of a professional career have been described in the article. The pedagogical conditions have been proved, which significantly increases the results of preparation of future designers for the development of their professional careers, in particular: positive motivation, content improvement, use of modern technologies of teaching, and the implementation of pedagogical support for this process. The essential characteristics of the main stages of preparing future designers for the development of their professional career have been highlighted, namely: goal-setting, planning, procedural, diagnostic. The content of value-motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional and activity components of preparedness of future designers for the development of a professional career have been analyzed. The initial, sufficient, high level of preparedness of future designers for the development of their professional career has been characterized
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