The relevance of the study is due to the needs of modernization of music-pedagogical education. The article emphasizes the importance of performing skills for the productive flow of the music-educational process. Performing self-efficacy define as the necessary professional quality of a modern music teacher. Emphasized that confidence in one's own ability to capture children with art, ability to use their own musical and performing resources for this purpose, effectiveness in applying methods and techniques of artistic interaction with students are characteristic features of his professional activity.
The author's definition of "artistic and performing self-efficacy of a music teacher" is given. Performing self-efficacy is a personal dynamic formation that expresses confidence in one's own performing abilities, contributes to the artistic effectiveness of interpretive activity, the ability of a music teacher to convey to the students a work of art in the fullest of its aesthetic benefits.
Particular attention given in the article to the disclosure of the role of evaluation and creative processes in the development of teacher's artistic and performing self-efficacy.
Self-control and self-esteem defined as important determinants of achieving expressiveness of interpretation, and as a means of inserting artistic and creative contact between the teacher-performer and the young listeners.
A significant factor in the formation of artistic and performance self-efficacy of a person also recognized as the creative direction of music and performance. The article emphasizes that the interpretation process is, in its essence, a source of creative energy. Successful artist has the ability to express himself creatively.
Thus, creativity is not only a significant factor in creating a highly artistic interpretation of music, but also a necessary impetus for the formation of artistic and performing self-efficacy of a teacher of music.
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