• Anastasia Yevtushenko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Keywords: figure of V. Protopopov, Donetsk Accordion School, professional mastership


The article reveals the creative and pedagogical potential of the outstanding teacher, Professor of folk instruments of Donetsk Conservatory, founder of Donetsk Accordion school, founder of the department of Folk instruments of this Conservatory, who took an active part in its foundation and formation, "The Excellent Worker of Education" V. Protopopov.
Emphasis is made on the uniqueness of his figure, which today is one of the unjustly forgotten, despite the invaluable contribution, both to the stage development of instruments – button accordion - and to the base of methodological developments in teaching the technics of playing on these instruments. Among the graduates of the teacher there are many well-known people in the cultural and musical world, about whom we can find much more information than directly about their teacher and mentor.
The author of the article performed a number of tasks to reveal the versatility and uniqueness of the personality of the great master of button-accordion art - Victor Protopopov. Based on historical materials, recollections of students and friends about cultural heritage, methodical works and results of pedagogical activity of this outstanding figure as the known master of button-accordion art have been highlighted.
Victor Protopopov's lessons were real master classes for everyone who was present in the classroom and wanted to listen to every word of the teacher, get advice from this master, which was valuable for all students of the Conservatory. Viktor Protopopov was a teacher, master, mentor and just a good friend to his students.
In parallel with his pedagogical activity, V. Protopopov carried out active stage performing activities in many ensembles, was a member of groups (ensembles and orchestras of folk instruments) and actually their leader.
As a performer, this outstanding musician possessed professional technique, showed a special aptitude to ensemble performance. His concert programs have always included works of different eras and styles, he had many recordings on regional radio and television.
V. Protopopov conducted active scientific and methodological work. He has written more than 90 teaching-methodological and creative works (about 50 press sheets, many of which have been printed). Among them: adaptation of musical works for accordion ensembles, concert arrangements of folk melodies, original pieces for button-accordion. His scientific and methodical works are notable for their modern views on the methodology of playing the button-accordion. V. Protopopov provided methodological assistance to teachers of music schools, colleges, read reports on the problem of improving the methodology of teaching accordion playing to students of advanced training courses. He was repeatedly invited by the Chairman of the State Examination Commission to music colleges and colleges of culture of Dzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Donetsk cities.


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How to Cite
Yevtushenko, A. (2020). SOURCES OF INSPIRATION AND CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE FAMOUS MASTER OF BUTTON-ACCORDION ART. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (15), 247-259.