The paper highlights that one of the most important factors in socio-economic progress in all developed countries is rightly recognized as a cultural sphere. This industry as an integral socio-cultural component of public life is a powerful means of developing the state’s competitiveness in a globalized world. Thus, culture becomes an important component in solving political, economic and social problems. Museum institutions abroad attempt to find their place in a diverse cultural space. The importance of such a role is determined by their ability to provide an interactive, subject-specific and ideological platform for citizens to gain a deeper understanding of their ethnic identity, nation and the whole world. The author emphasizes the objective need to comprehend the vector of universal human development and realize the importance of knowing something “alien”, dialogic nature of cultures, as well as the ability and desire to learn to “live together”. This requires qualitatively different conceptual ideas and actions in the field of museum studies to develop such a social and individual ethics of responsibility, which implies cooperation, commonwealth and tolerance. Indeed, the Europeanism principle can be implemented only on this basis, which allows solving the problem of developing museum education, cultural and educational interaction between museum and educational institutions. In this regard, the paper reflects the historical artefacts bringing together the culture of the peoples of Ukraine and Romania and reveals the experience of organizing museum work and professional skills of museum teachers and librarians.
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