The article reveals the possibilities of using the aesthetic-synergetic approach as a basis for modernization of the content of art and pedagogical education, clarifies the conditions of methodological support for the purposeful development of students in this process. It turns out that it is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It can be presented as a holistic sphere of philosophical, aesthetic and moral views, as well as generalized knowledge and beliefs, which manifests the moral and aesthetic position and behavior of the individual in various life circumstances and worldviews.
The analysis of the concept of "aesthetic culture" revealed that this phenomenon is represented by modern scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology as a set of cognitive and operational components of professional activity. It is shown that the aesthetic perception of students of art specialties can develop successfully if there is a systematic communication with works of art. The author also argues that the practical implementation of aesthetic competence of students is a challenge.
This is due to insufficient elaboration of the links between aesthetic, cultural and artistic disciplines, as well as insufficient attention to the issues of their integration both at the level of content and at the level of forms and methods of teaching.
Addressing synergetic as a philosophical and methodological unit to manage the educational environment can increase information interaction between subjects of the educational process, create favorable conditions for testing new educational technologies, actively involve students in adequate assessment of their actions, skills and abilities, stimulate long-term goals in professional growth.
The combination of learning vectors in aesthetic and synergetic areas will help students to master aesthetic culture, attach to higher cultural values, development the spiritual potential and value conscious- ness of students as professionals.
As a result, it is proved that the application of the proposed approach allows young professionals to form a system of methodological knowledge, skills and abilities, the effectiveness of which is tested in pedagogical activities. In this regard, several groups of promising methods of teaching students in the study of professional disciplines.
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