The article generalizes the main views on the peculiarities of the leadership of the children's musical group. The urgency of the article is related to the growing requirements for the repertoire of children's musical groups. At the moment, the main goal is to develop their musical material, but also artistic and aesthetic education, the education of musical culture, the development of general and special abilities, as well as flexible musical thinking.
The peculiarity of children's group music making in terms of musical psychology is considered. It is determined that the leadership of the children's musical instrumental group contains such components as organizational, management, repertoire, psychological and pedagogical and artistic and creative. The basic requirements to the personality of the teacher of musical art as the head of children's musical instrumental group are substantiated. Organization of artistic and creative activity of children is one of the effective directions of education of a creative person. And here the leading role belongs to the leaders of children's groups. After all, in the field of musical education, this goal can serve as the formation of ensemble culture of students in the process of group music in the instrumental group. The main task of the head of the musical instrumental group is to develop the personality of the other based on the involvement in the higher values of domestic and world musical culture and art, which are revived in the Ukrainian society; to the humanistic universal human ideals of freedom, goodness, human dignity, citizenship and patriotism.
It is concluded that the effectiveness of the leadership of the musical instrumental group depends on the proper organization of the educational process, as well as on the well-established organizational and functional structure of the said group - the executive staff (leader, members of the group) , as well as the group's assets (old people responsible for various parts of the orchestra, etc.). The effectiveness of the management of the musical instrumental group largely depends on the professionalism of its leader - the teacher of musical art, which must have a complex of personal and professional-pedagogical competencies.
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