The article reveals a task and algorithm of activity of a pedagogical workshop as an interactive form of professional development of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature on the basis of experience of a gymnasium-boarding-school № 13, Kyiv. It is found out that a pedagogical workshop is an interactive form of professional development of a teacher, which is aimed to create conditions for every participant of getting new knowledge and new experience by means of independent or team work. The specific feature of a pedagogical workshop for teachers of Ukrainian language and literature is to provide experience exchange on the basis of interdisciplinarity of philologists, as well as acquaintance with innovations in the field of philological education, search of effective forms and methods of retransmitting of folklore, linguistic, literary experience in the conditions of informal organization of studies. The work characterizes the experience of the pedagogical workshop “Profi” for teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in the gymnasium-boarding-school № 13, Kyiv. The main task of the pedagogical workshop is to create the environment which gives teachers opportunity to promote the level of methodical and pedagogical proficiency, communicative competence, and innovative culture. It also develops professional skills that serve modern requirements of pedagogical science and practice, prepares young specialists to mastering ways and methods of pedagogical research and methods of perspective pedagogical experience. It, therefore, assists the teachers’ studies of modelling their own educational trajectory of professional development; focuses attention on pedagogics of partnership in accordance with the Conception of New Ukrainian School, according to which a teacher and a student are equal coauthors of a modern lesson. It also helps to change the organization of a traditional lesson and involves specially organized activity of students in the educational process on the basis of use of competence-oriented tasks, teacher and a scientist
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