• M. FRANC Academy of Business and Health Sciences
Keywords: self-presentation, spiritual means, Art therapy


In the article the author states that the current level of knowledge does not allow to talk about psychotherapy as a science. However, you can successfully interpret this as a practice that aims to make a difference in your personality. Art therapy is considered as the use of creativity for therapeutic purposes. Art therapy classes emphasize the importance of a creative process (not an effect), the essence of which is cognitive, expressive and communicative experience. It is argued that every creative activity is an personal experience of the individual, and therefore every kind of creativity is, to one extent or another, an expression of the creator's personality – an expression. An expression is a revelation through certain feelings of perceptible psychic content belonging to a being that the act of expression captures actual emotional phenomena of the individual; Creative activity, being a process of opening oneself to the world and the process of life itself, shows a person as a human being by his creative and motivated need for development. Everyone is just what they have created for themselves and others in the course of the individual process of self-realization. Man presents his art: views, emotions. An individual talks about events that occur during his life. Man creates new visions and events. It's like building an image. The artistic image becomes a self-presentation. Auto-presentation by art is an actual picture of a person, it is a reflection of who the person wants to be and sees others. Existential analysis in self-presentation by art allows a person to be a creature trying to achieve a goal, to find the meaning of life. Old age should not have meaningless stamps. Auto-representation by art causes admiration in the opinion of other people, who define the author as an open, expressive, full of happiness, a Fred man. Self-presentation art therapy is like a spiritual means, a rebirth of a person.


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How to Cite
FRANC , M. (2019). SELF-PRESENTATION THERAPY THROUGH ART. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (14), 80-93.