Activity of personality as a condition Self-regulatory and music-executive action future teachers

  • Хin Sun National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Keywords: self-consciousness, external and internal regulation, physical and psychic activity, value orientations of the person


The article describes the process of self-regulationas the dominant property of human self-consciousness, psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of performing activity of future music teachers are substantiated. The authors cientific ally confirmed: a creative, socially responsible and active personalityis characterized by a feelingof a new, critical attitude to the surrounding world, awareness of it splace and role among others.
Pedagogical conditions for the development of self-regulation of the arbitrary activity of future teachers, which are related to external and internal factors, were developed.
Self-regulation of musical-performing activity of future teachers is considered as a process of constructing, supporting and managing all types and forms of external and internal psychological training activities. They are aimed at achieving educational and professional goals and are provided with the development of such psychological mechanisms as flexibility, autonomy, emotional stability, empathy, initiative.
The formed system of value orientations of each person – is the result of their own internal efforts and internal activity, which prompts for educational productive action.


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How to Cite
SunХ. (2017). Activity of personality as a condition Self-regulatory and music-executive action future teachers. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (12), 74-87. Retrieved from