Вionik sincon temporary science, art and education.

  • Larisa Kornytska
Keywords: bionics, objects of nature, art, science, professional education, project activity, decorative art, design, architecture


The article reveals the development of bionic science and defines the main directions of its modern development. Such directions of bionics as architectural, technical, design are grounded. It is proved that the study of objects of nature in order to obtain answers regarding their functionality, the optimality of forms, coloristics and the borrowing of these features for the improvement of developments in various spheres of human existence and activity has become an integral part of modern design and, in particular, in decorative art. It is determined that an ornament that for a long historical and artistic development of mankind and until now uses objects of nature for the purpose of their artistic styling and transformation into works of decorative art, design and architecture is an individual, but not less important direction in decorative art. It is shown that the discipline «Bionics» is the basis for successful artistic project activity and professional training of future artists of decorative art.


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How to Cite
Kornytska, L. (2017). Вionik sincon temporary science, art and education. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (12), 141-163. Retrieved from https://zbirnik.mixmd.edu.ua/index.php/artedu/article/view/78