The content of the «History of art» course for future artists of decorative-applied art.

  • A. Selezneva Khmelnytskyi National University
Keywords: training course, content, history of art, artists of decorative and applied art, preparation


The article reveals the importance of the course «History of Art» in the process of professional training of future artists of decorative and applied art.The goals and objectives of the course, the requirements for the level of its mastering, the thematic content are characterized, the content of the students’ classroom and independent work is also indicated.It is noted that when selecting the content of the course, the following criteria should be guided: optimal volume of educational material; the professional significance of educational material on various types of art; the level of the systemic nature of the original concepts; the correspondence of factual material with the trends in the development of contemporary art forms; availability of educational material for students of a certain age category; the compliance of didactic conditions with the prospects of their development and the allocated period of time for mastering this training material.It is noted that it is expedient to conduct work with the artistic heritage in three directions: analysis of the organization of the composition of a work of art; analysis of means of artistic expressiveness; analysis of the emotional-imaginative content of the work of art (the author’s ideas).


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How to Cite
Selezneva, A. (2017). The content of the «History of art» course for future artists of decorative-applied art. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (12), 163-180. Retrieved from