Perspective and shadow workbook is way to development the artistically-constructive competence of the future designer (by pedagogical experience KNUTD colledge).

  • Ganna Shkarupa Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: workbook, Perspective and Shadow, the artistically-constructive competence, preparation of the future designer in colleges, variational component


The article presents the experience of the authorization of the author’s Perspective and Shadow workbook is way to development the artistically-constructive competence of the future designer. College students master education and qualification level «Junior specialist». Тhe subject is taught as a variation learning component. The article analyzes the results of a survey of students. The author examines the ways of improving the methodological achievements in updating the content of the subject. The essence of the artistically-constructive competence of future designers is presented as well as the methods of its development on Perspective and Shadow lessons.


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How to Cite
Shkarupa, G. (2017). Perspective and shadow workbook is way to development the artistically-constructive competence of the future designer (by pedagogical experience KNUTD colledge). Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (12), 181-195. Retrieved from