• Miroslava Vovk ІПООД НАПН України
Keywords: Ukrainian folklore studies, ethical and aesthetical potential, interdisciplinarity, contextual approach, functional approach, folklore


The article generalizes the essence of the concept «folklore» through the prism of the contemporary methodological approaches that provide the grounding for its ethical and aesthetical potential. The functions of folkloric trends are generalized on the interdisciplinary principles proceeding from their effect on aesthetical, emotional and intellectual human development.
The author’s definition of folklore is substantiated as the functional and communicative phenomenon of national culture which embodies the popular model of world-outlook and linguistic world-image; as one of the main sources of various kinds of professional art; as syncretic artistic and aesthetical phenomenon characterized by variability, anonymity, collectivity, improvisation, verbalization. The history of folklore study proceeding from its functional spectrum in the society, syncretic nature, axiological potential, ethno-aesthetics, genrology and poetics is the basis of the origin and development of the folklore studies as a scientific and educational field. The author points out that at present stage the principles of such approaches to folklore study as contextual, communicative, functional, anthropological are substantiated. It is proved that folklore studies are developing as anthropological and interdisciplinary science that studies folklore through the prism of such trends as: the theory of folklore, the theory of folklore studies, source studies, textology, linguistics and folklore studies, ethnomusicology, the bibliography of folklore and folklore studies, pedagogical folklore studies, folklore therapy.
The emergence of an independent interdisciplinary trend of pedagogical folklore studies is emphasized; the trend that on the ground of philosophic principles of anthropocentrism, the aesthetical, ethical and intellectual folkloric word capacities allows to represent the advances of folklore studies, their scientific conception in professional training of future specialists (teachers-philologists, folklorists, ethnomusicologists and so on) as well as in general education practices.


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How to Cite
Vovk, M. (2016). ETHICAL AND AESTHETICAL POTENTIAL OF UKRAINIAN FOLKLORE STUDIES. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (11), 63-81. Retrieved from