• IRYNA BLINOVA Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Keywords: design, technology, training, practice, creativity, shaping process


The article discusses the feasibility of implementation the disciplines of "Technology" in universities I-II level of accreditation. Using the results of practical exercises as an example, their effectiveness and role in the quality training of junior specialists in the field of design are analyzed. Thus, the relevance of this problem for design education, insufficient level of its study by pedagogical science and practice, the need for further study of this problem led to the choice of the topic of the article, which is to substantiate the feasibility of introducing specialized subjects in the first courses of higher education institutions of I-II level of accreditation quality methodological and material support. According to the author, the problem of constructing a painting, product or design object begins to be solved by the students already at the stage of preliminary sketches of those. This makes it possible to determine their optimal format and to move from sketch to constructive composition of the art work. Mastering the basic elements of design, such as point, line, color, space, shape, figure, begins on the first lessons in "Fundamentals of Design". It is also appropriate to give the first basic concepts of sketch, technical drawing and artistic drawing, to explain the main differences between them. Together, this provides the first basis for the formation of three-dimensional and constructive thinking, and it is logical to move on to the next stages of development of work with more complex forms. Thus, the presence of theoretical and practical subjects in the field of "Technology" in the program of the first year of study of students on the basis of 9th grade directly and qualitatively influences the level of preparation, helps to form a solid basis for the highly masterful embodiment of design ideas of students, brings up active work and creative position.


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How to Cite
BLINOVA, I. (2018). TO THE PROBLEM OF FORMATION OF ARTISTIC-CONSTRUCTIVE INTELLIGENCE OF ART COLLEGE STUDENTS. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (13), 132-145. Retrieved from