• Iryna Androshchuk Khmelnytskyi National University
  • Ihor Androshchuk Khmelnytskyi National University
Keywords: professional self-realization, handicraft and technology teachers, areas of self-realization, self-study, self-improvement


The paper deals with the problem of professional self-realization of handicraft and technology teachers. Self-realization is viewed as an important social need of the individual, as his or her desire to fully identify and express his or her abilities, inclinations, capabilities, accompanied by his or her improvement. An analysis of scientific works helps to specify the concept of “professional self-realization of handicraft and technology teachers” as a creative process of personal development, which involves the acquisition of professional and spiritual experience during professional development and improvement, the disclosure of personal creative potential, as well as the abilities needed for pedagogical and artistic-and-technological, artistic activities. The paper shows that professional self-realization of handicraft and technology teachers is a systemic process that combines the teacher’s classroom and extracurricular activities and involves his or her active self-study and self-education, which thus ensures self-improvement of the specialist. The authors define and describe the main areas of professional self-realization of handicraft and technology teachers. They indicate that these areas are related to methodical, scientific, artistic-and-technological or artistic activities of the teacher.


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How to Cite
Androshchuk, I., & Androshchuk, I. (2020). AREAS OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-REALIZATION OF HANDICRAFT AND TECHNOLOGY TEACHERS. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (15), 103-116.