The article is devoted to the problems of formation, methodical support intermedial courses and their implementation into the practice of philological education. The author reviews the system of work on the program "Literature and Theater" in the context of literary studies of students and the formation of their research competencies.
The proposed elective course contributes to the formation of the experience of interpretation and analysis of classical and contemporary works of world literary and theatrical art; integrates knowledge of theater, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. into literary education; significantly enhances the media culture of third-year students, helps them to prepare for the translation of cultural values into specific activities, such as scientific, teaching, translation, editorial, etc., and gradually master the basic research procedures; accustoms to consciously apply general scientific and sectoral research methods; allows you to gain experience in solving different types of research tasks; shapes the culture of scientific presentation, presentation and controversy, and develops research competence as a whole. The practical content of the course involves almost exclusively research and creative activity; the tasks for the classes are divergent, devoid of standard answers and open the space for free choice of educational material, taking into account the interests of the students themselves.
Further study of the selected problem involves consideration of a wide range of issues of formation and methodological support of various intermediate courses in the activity of a high school teacher, generalization of foreign experience, streamlining a number of methodological recommendations taking into account the different linguistic specializations of students.
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