The article discusses the principles and structure of constructing a system of didactic exercises of the discipline "Costume History" for future designers. The expediency of building a system of exercises and tasks in which the system-forming factor is the compositional analysis of the suit is substantiated. The importance of forming compositional analysis skills by future designers of clothing has been proved. The content of the concept of "compositional analysis of historical costume" is revealed. The most important elements of the costume composition that form the basis of the content of the developed exercise system are considered: silhouette, form, color scale, proportions, ornamentation, decoration, rhythm, static dynamics, symmetry-asymmetry, contrast-nuance-identity. Brief characteristics of each type of didactic exercises in costume history are presented. It is taken into account that in the different historical costumes, the values of the individual components of the composition are not the same. The article emphasizes the expediency of structuring the developed exercises and tasks by complexity. The importance of its gradual growth from reproductive, aimed at simple recognition, reproduction, addition - to independent creative ones, which provide analysis, comparison and independent development of new forms of clothing with reliance on the compositional elements of the historical costume, is proved. Three groups of classification of exercises of the developed system are presented: preparatory - such that help to eliminate gaps in basic knowledge from the basics of composition; training - to form the ability to analyze the individual elements and compositions of the suit as a whole; final, which imply the application of the acquired knowledge, skills, skills in new conditions. It is stated that different types of exercises include tasks of a comparative nature, by instruction, by model, by task. The article emphasizes the expediency of including in the system interesting historical material in order to positively influence the motivational sphere of students, increase their interest in the study of historical costume and their future professional activity. The prospect of using this system in the future is considered, in particular the possibility of using modern technical educational tools, computer graphic programs.
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