The article is devoted to the problem of professional development of teachers of art disciplines. It is claimed that the methodology of art education is designed to reveal the essence of scientific cognitive activity in the field of art and pedagogical sciences and art history. Methodological approaches to the development of the teacher's personality, art education as a source of artistic and pedagogical knowledge, methods of their acquisition, conditions of their implementation in practice and definition of the subject of art education in the past and in the current conditions of cultural development of society are covered. Attention is paid to the methodological formation of the specialist in the process of scientific research, it is about the basic dynamic procedural characteristics of the teacher- researcher. The article states that the methodology of personal art education explores the specific nature of the integrity and continuity of the processes of career guidance, training, professional development of the future specialist in the field of art and the development of his artistic and pedagogical skills, thus facilitating the transition of pedagogical theory a new stage of its development.
The authors come to the conclusion that in the professional development of teachers of art disciplines it is essential to form a personal position: attitudes, attitudes to professional artistic and pedagogical activities, art, students, himself. In this direction, the basis for the development of the specialist's personality is his methodological training.
In contrast to subject training, which includes training in the specialty (music, literature, fine arts or design) and methodological, related to the logical schemes of classes and educational activities, curricula, knowledge of methods of teaching and education, etc., methodological training is aimed to develop the ability to form certain rules, norms, principles of productive artistic and pedagogical activities.
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