Design education in the context of post-industrial social progress.

  • Oksana Fursa Salvador Dali Academy of Contemporary Art
Keywords: design, design education, web design, artistic and aesthetic culture of society


The article is devoted to the problems of long-term development of the system of professional training of designers and the positive tendencies that have been outlined in this field in the last decade. It is argued that the trends in the development of design education should be sought in the needs of society, the requests of individual social groups, each person for beauty and benefit, and directing students to study these requests, comparing their own ideas about cultural values to promote truly valuable. Thus, we consider the system of design education as a tool for the formation of the artistic and aesthetic culture of society.


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How to Cite
Fursa, O. (2017). Design education in the context of post-industrial social progress. Art Education: Content, Technologies, Management, (12), 5-18. Retrieved from